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Links for translators

Welcome to Freelance-translator.info, a website intended to publish interesting links for translation professionals by translators.

I have created this site based on my "Links" page on my professional site (freelance-translator.biz). I noticed that I had an increasing traffic from fellow translators looking for information, so I decided to make it more easy for them, apart from the fact that the number of links I had already on that page was already so important that it became necessary to split it into different pages soon.

As of today, I have not been able to create the site as I would like to, with all elements properly distributed (I got some dangling links that I do not know how to classify), a description of what everything is, etc., as well as translating it into the different languages I speak (5). Please bear with me, I do this in my free time and I do not have that much time left. If there is a volunteer that would like to assist, please contact me at the address below. In the meantime, please enjoy the links and I hope they are as much use to you as they have been to me. Note that all links to external sites open in a new window.



5th May 2013

Today I've added a total of 11 new Glossaries and an English-Arab medical dictionary with over 100,000 terms..

9th March 2013

It has been a long time that I've not been able to update the website due to personal reasons. However, I had some time today from all my translation work, so I cleaned a few dead links and added a new CAT tool.


5th August 2012

I've created today a new Translation Memory page for publicly available translation memories (starting with the TM of the European Union), added the EU Translation and Drafting resources in Other Resources, The EU Directorate General for Translations to Jobs (in case you want to offer your services to the EU), a new page on terminology and another one on terminology networks. Overall, some 20+ new links. Enjoy!

23rd June 2012

This time I've added a few aerospace links, plus a few acronym lists.

14th May 2012

I've added a new frre (open source) CAT (computer-aided translation) tool for use with OpenOffice.

14th January 2012

I have added a new free translation tool. Happy New 2012!

26th December 2011

I have added two links to the Acronyms list, cleaned up the page and added language flags. Merry Christmas!

27th October 2011

I have added a link to the "Lost in Translation Photo Contest" and Translator Fun" in Humor. Quite good!

9th August 2011

I have added a link to a free terminology extraction tool and two new glossaries, plus a new job site. Sorry if the promise indicated in the previous post has not been maintained (yet), but luckily I got a lot of work and, after all, I need to eat... ;) More translation resources will become available soon.

20th March 2011

I've not been able to do much in the way of links, as I've worked behind the scenes to allow people to propose their own translation resources links and include them automatically after moderation. It's much harder than I thought initially, and it will take still some time - but by Easter it should all be ready. In the meantime, I've added a new association. It's the only link that I have added, as the rest of people that wrote me for a link were either freelancers or agencies, and today I do not have a category for those. Please be patient, when the new layout is finished you will be also able to offer your ervices, but please be aware that this is a not-for-profit site & I do this in my own free tiem...

7th December 2010

I did not have much time lately, but I added two new job sites and new category of Web tools for translator sites, with some entries. I hope you like it!

11th November 2010

I cleaned up some dead links & I added the EU directive about the legal protection of databases - very important, as it protects the copyright of translation memories! I also added an interesting tutorial about how to create a glossary DB from web pages.

15th August 2010

I changed the advertising source (after all, I need to pay the hosting, and the advertising doesn't even cover it), but suddenly I start getting advertising in the text itself, instead of only in a sidebar. I'm working on it, I must have done something wrong. If it's something that I cannot change, I'll change the adveriser, I don't like that kind of stuff popping up in the text, and I bet you don't like it either... my apologies.

10th August 2010

I have added a new job site. I also deleted two obsolete paypent practices databases.

3rd August 2010

I have changed the links to the Microsoft terminology and added one CAT tool, one page about payment practices scams, two mailing lists, 4 acronym sites, as well as a link in "other tools" to the page of Tools to get Things Done. I also removed a payment practices bulletin that has been reported as hijacked by spammers.

27th June 2010

I have added two new blogs, a hilarious machine translation site in Humor, as well as two new articles, and have improved the payment practices links by grouping them by language and adding the necessary language flags. I also included this site in the Megri Web Directory

1st April 2010

No, it's not an April's joke: I have found another new CAT tool and another military glossary, as well as a new translator's site. I have also added 15 new translator's associations and 6 translator's mailing lists, as well as an interesting article about translation fees.

8th March 2010

I stumbled upon a few interesting tutorials, and thought that it was a pity that I could not share them. Well, now I can. I have added a new Tutorials page, as well as a new blog. I also added a "Shop" page, as I have found some interesting books you might be interested in.

27th February 2010

I've been lately quite busy in setting up other (non-translation-related) sites, doing some multilingual SEO (incredible how people mess up with their website translations) and cleaning up my dictionaries now that there seems to be not so much work, so I did not have much time to look up new links. But still, this time I've added a new job site, five translation blogs and two translation humor links. I'm think about setting up a page where you can propose new links, but that requires some database programming and rework of the existing pages, so it will have to wait a little bit. Stay tuned!

10th January 2010

Happy new year! We start the new year adding one job site, two new CAT tools, a new translation blog, two acronym sites, one machine translation tool, four general-purpose dictionaries, two technical ones, eleven aviation and space glossaries and dictionaries and a reference to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (in Laws), pointed out by Nathalie Schon in the WPPF mailing list, as well as a nice article about copyright myths (also pointed out by Nathalie).

20th November 2009

This time I added one job site, and four funny translation sites. Have a good laugh!

11th November 2009

I added this time a new job site, 1 CAT tool, 3 acronym sites, 1 computer dictionary, 1 machine translation site, 1 localization tool, 4 dictionary sites, 3 technical dictionaries, 2 forums, 1 commercial tool and 2 country-specific search-engine lists.

4th November 2009

OK, I cleaned up the funny alignments with the menues. I also added a new article about 12 things that translators should not do (in Spanish, nothing says that the whole site will be in English) and I added also language flags to the articles (looks nice). Finally, I added 5 new free tools, 1 commercial one, 1 CAT tool, 3 localization tools & a page on machine translation. Keep an eye on this site, more things are coming!

30th October 2009

One does not realize how much work he has already done on a website until he tries to expand the menu to add a new page & finds that he has to change manually 44 pages (yes, that many). After scratching my head I eventually decided to use scripts to generate the menu, so as to be able to maintain it in a central location, hence that suddenly all pages end in .php. Sorry if that breaks your links, but I cannot expand the site without this major overhaul. I've added a few new pages, additional bookmarking capability and some new translator resources, but most of the effort has been dedicated to centralize some common stuff.

BTW, if you believe that it's ugly because the menu has shifted out of place then you're absolutely right, but it's 2:00 a.m. and I'm going to bed... I'll fix that tomorrow. Or on Monday. Or sometime next week. Nice weekend!

10th October 2009

Just got back from a trip to the US, and on the long flight home I added some additional links that I have been collecting. There are 7 new job sites (translation & other), a new free CAT tool  and a correction of a CAT tool site that no longer exists. Enjoy!

22nd August 2009

Still busy and too little time to update this... but I just added 7 additional job sites and 9 other links through the site. Added also a technical dictionary page (not yet in the menu - you can find it here). Enjoy!

30th July 2009

Ok, still working behind the scenes during the translation breaks. In the meantime, I've added 7 additional payment practices lists, 6 new job mailing lists, finished the Search Engine page with 39 links and created a new category, Professional Mailing Lists, with 81 entries. It is *not* yet in the menu, if you want to access, click here.

4th July 2009

Phew, I don't know where the crisis is of which people talk about, I just finished a 300K translation and got word that tomorrow I'll get more - so please bear with me if I have not updated this site, I can barely breathe and this site is just a hobby, not a commercial enterprise.

I've added a few more translator blogs, but the "real" work is right now behind the scenes. Right now I am working on setting up a poll system, just to get your feedback abou what you like/don't like about this site. A forum is also in the works, but that is slightly more complicated - last time I set up a forum I had to close it within weeks due to all the spam I received. In any case, if you have something really good to propose, please e-mail me, as some of you have already done.

18th April 2009

I added some bookmarking capability - yes, I still have things to fix, but you certainly want to remember where this was, don't you? ;)

4th April 2009

Well, I finally found the time to start updating this translator information site (was about time, I think, it was already around for one year).

Unfortunately, I somehow messed up - what was supposed to be a marvelous dynamic menu is looking questionable, to put it nicely. And initially it did not even work. I actually spent so much time on fixing it, that a lot of pages have not been polished and look a little bit weird. Well, you can't have it all, folks! A translation just popped up, so I'm going to leave the update until I have delivered the job... Drop in any time!

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